Corynebacterium jihuteroidodesu
This is a species I could not discover. The Moyashimon website goes into detail on a number of microbes and simply refers to this as a microbe that causes wakiga or exessive body oder, specifically axillae or armpit odor. After looking at several sources I have determined that it may be the from the Corynebacterium species. The Corynebacterium family is the only bacterium that has a C. in the beginning of the name and there are several sub-species which ji/gi or je/ge could fall under, when parsing the Japanese pronuciation. I am not familar enough with microbiology to make an apropreate guess as to which species or sub-species this may be refering to. Please contact me if you have found additional references, outside Moyashimon fan sites.
Full: Corynebacterium jihuteroidodesu
Japanese: C・ジフテロイドデス, C. jihuteroidodesu
Type: Bacteria
Story Details:
This is a aerobic diphtheroid bacteria.