Cladosporium trichoides
This is a wide spread fungus that is found in the air, on rotten foods, and even in the bathroom. The many species of Cladosporium are commonly found on living and dead plant material. Some species are plant pathogens, others parasitize other fungi. Cladosporium spores are wind-dispersed and they are often extremely abundant in outdoor air. Indoors Cladosporium species may grow on surfaces when moisture is present.
Full: Cladosporium trichoides
Japanese: C. トリコイデス, C. torikoidesu
Type: Fungus
Manga Notes:
It lives in the cooler waiting to be switched on. ( Ch 04)
Story Details:
Voiced by: Moody Katsuyama. This microbe is first seen in Misato Kaoru and Kawahama Takuma's dorm room.