Vibrio parahaemolyticus
This species is generally found in warm seawater. The bacteria itself requires salt water to multiply. This bacteria is the number one cause of sea food related illness. Most cases of illness are cause by consuming undercooked sea foods. Outbreaks of this bacteria have increased recently, scientists believe that the global warming of ocean water is to blame.
Full: Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Japanese: V. パラヘモリティカス, V. parahemoriteikasu
Type: Bacteria
Manga Notes:
Story Details:
We are introduced to this bacteria when Mutou Aoi returns from her global quest for fermented foods. Mutou is given a meal after she arrives at the lab, Sawaki Tadayasu sees this microbe when looking at her plate. We learn from Hasegawa Haruka that it is one of Asia's top 5 food poisoning microbes.