LINE Sticker

This is Yellow Aspergillus oryaze. It is a filamentous fungus or a mold primarily utilized in production of sake, miso and soy sauce. It is considered Japan's national micro-organism, kokkin, just as the cherry blossom is the national flower.

Full: Aspergillus oryzae
Japanese: A. オリゼー, A. orizē
Type: Yeast

Manga Notes:
Generally pops out when you think of it. Thinks it can do almost anything. (Ch 02) The important thing is microbes are everywhere. (Ch 04) Also known as yellow yeast-starter. (Ch 05) Yellow yeast. Usually sticks to Sawaki. It came from his family home. (Ch 07) It talks a lot!?! (Ch 08) The representative mould of Japanese brewing. It turns starch into sugar, especially glucose. It becomes most lively around 50°C (Ch 09) It appears every chapter. It rides on Sawaki's shoulder because it came from his family home!?! (Ch 10)

Story Details:
This microbe is voiced by Yumi Touma. A. oryzae is considered the main character of the micro-organisms and is seen early and frequently throughout both the manga and anime series. This is the first microbe seen in the series, both manga and anime. Sawaki Tadayasu's grandfather is speaking about him as a child playing with "something" they could not see. Sawaki is seen in a shed with the A. oryaze around him.

Aspergillus oryzae

This bacteria is used in the production of many dairy products, mainly in yoghurts and cheeses. This bacteria has been reclassified as Lactococcus lactis (L. lactis) and no longer referred to as Streptococcus lactis. It occurs naturally on plants and in the digestive tract of cows. This bacteria is also being studied for use in vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae.

Full: Streptococcus lactis
Japanese: S. ラクチス, S. rakuchisu
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Thinks he's a hoodlum. Likes to pretend he is part of a special attack force. (Ch 02)

Story Details:
Voiced by: Makiko Nabei. This is first seen in Itsuki Keizou Sensei's lab. Hasegawa Haruka demands that Sawaki Tadayasu prove his ability, these are seen in a western yoghurt culture.

Streptococcus lactis

L. brevis is a type of lactic acid bacteria and is commonly used in the production of wine, salami, cheese, sourdough bread, pickles, yogurt, cocoa, and coffee. L. brevis tends to be used in the production of sour foods. This species is also found in fermented vegetables like kimchi and Japanese pickles.

L. brevis is the most common cause of spoiled beer in breweries. "In fact, in Germany at one point, more than half of beer spoilage incidents were due to L. brevis alone."

Full: Lactobacillus brevis
Japanese: L. ブレビス, L. burebisu
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Story Details:
This microbe is first seen around the kiviak when Hasegawa Haruka reprimands Itsuki Keizou Sensei for digging up her experiment without her permission.

Lactobacillus brevis

Used to make sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables.

Full: Lactobacillus plantarum
Japanese: L. プランタルム, L. purantarumu
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Loves all that surrounds him. Searching for a loving and protective home. (Ch 02) These guys have 1 billion present in every gram. (Ch 06)

Story Details:
This microbe is first seen in the forest when Sawaki Tadayasu and Yuuki Kei take a shortcut to Itsuki Keizou Sensei's laboratory. We also see this in the nuka container when Hasegawa Haruka is trying to get Sawaki to prove his ability to her satisfaction.

Lactobacillus plantarum

Used to make Japanese yoghurt.

Full: Lactobacillus yogurti
Japanese: L .ヨグルティ, L. yoguruti
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
He never says " nari yo".

Story Details:
Voiced by: Miu Nakamura. This is first seen in Itsuki Keizou Sensei's lab. Hasegawa Haruka demands that Sawaki Tadayasu prove his ability, these are seen in a japanese yoghurt culture.

Lactobacillus yogurti

This is a bacteria normally found in soil. This bacteria is used today as a fungicide on crops as a natural alternative to chemical fungicides. Bacillus subtilis is generally harmless to humans however Bacillus cereus and Bacillus licheniformis have been known to cause mild food poisoning. Bacillus anthracis, the bacteria that causes anthrax, is also in this family of bacteria.

Full: Bacillus subtilis
Japanese: B. サブチリス, B. sabuchirisu
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Hay bacillus. It likes starchy foods and fish meat. (Ch 08)

Story Details:
This microbe is first seen around the kiviak when Hasegawa Haruka reprimands Itsuki Keizou Sensei for digging up her experiment without her permission.

Bacillus subtilis

Bifidobacterium are also called probiotics. Bifidobacterium are present in the digestive track of most humans and are considered beneficial as they inhibit the growth of more serious bacteria, such as: E. coli. It is also of note that this type of bacteria decrease with age. Breast fed children have a larger quantity in the intestines than older adults.

Full: Bifidobacterium bifidum
Japanese: B. ビフィダム, B. bifidamu
Type: Bacteria

Story Details:
This is first seen in Itsuki Keizou Sensei's lab. Hasegawa Haruka demands that Sawaki Tadayasu prove his ability, these are seen in a petri dish culture.

Bifidobacterium bifidum

This is a common bacteria found in the large intestine of humans, most mammals and birds. E. faecalis is also found in water, soil and plants. It is highly resistant to antibiotics. This species is considered an opportunistic bacteria and can create a host of common health problems.

Full: Enterococcus faecalis
Japanese: E. フェカリス
Type: Bacteria

Enterococcus faecalis

This fungus is considered a symbiotic fungi and is found in the root structure of most plants. It attaches to the root system of plants providing nutrients and protecting against pathogens.

Full: Glomus etunicatum
Japanese: G. エツニカタム
Type: Fungus

Story Details:
This microbe is first seen around the kiviak when Hasegawa Haruka reprimands Itsuki Keizou Sensei for digging up her experiment without her permission.

Glomus etunicatum

This is an aerobic bacteria found in soil and water. It is considered a problem species for farmers and fungicides are used to curb crop damage as it causes black lesions on fruits and vegetables. Most notably, however, is its use in Xanthan Gum used as a thickener in most commercial products today including salad dressing, toothpaste, ice cream and pasta sauce. It is normally substituted for starch in any number of items.

Full: Xanthomonas campestris
Japanese: X. キャンペストリス
Type: Bacteria

Story Details:
This microbe is first seen around the kiviak when Hasegawa Haruka reprimands Itsuki Keizou Sensei for digging up her experiment without her permission.

Xanthomonas campestris

P. pentosaceous is another bacteria in the lactic acid family. It is used in yoghurt and cheese products, silage for feed animals, sauerkraut and specific beers, such as lambic.

Full: Pediococcus pentosaceus
Japanese: P. ペントサセウス, P. pentosaseusu
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Lactic acid bacteria in Kimchi. There are 800 million in every gram of Kimchi. (Ch 06)

Story Details:
Sawaki Tadayasu sees this bacteria on the hongeohoe in Itsuki Keizou Sensei's laboratory.

Pediococcus pentosaceus

This bacteria is considered a problem species for farmers. It attacks a variety of vegetables and causes the cell structures to break down causing "soft rot". The vegetables turn soft and watery which will then progress to a foul smelling slime. Chlorine dioxide (or bleach) is used to kill the bacteria on fruit surfaces.

Full: Erwinia carotovora
Japanese: E. カロトボーラ
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Soft rot bacillus. It is vegetarian and likes fruit. (Ch 08)

Story Details:
This microbe is first seen around the kiviak when Hasegawa Haruka reprimands Itsuki Keizou Sensei for digging up her experiment without her permission.

Erwinia carotovora

Lactobacillus casei is a species of genus Lactobacillus found in the human intestine and mouth. This particular species of Lactobacillus is documented to have a wide pH and temperature range, and complements the growth of L. acidophilus, a producer of the enzyme amylase (a carbohydrate-digesting enzyme). Lactobacillus casei are beneficial bacteria, which reach the intestines alive to favourably alter the balance of bacteria in the digestive system.

Full: Lactobacillus casei
Japanese: L. カゼイ
Type: Bacteria

Lactobacillus casei

Largest of the lactic acid bacteria group. Included 50+ sub-species. The name means 'acid-loving milk-bacterium' and metabolizes sugars into lactic-acid. This bacteria is found in the gastrointestinal tract, mouth, and vagina of humans and other animals. It is found to control the overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans.

This bacteria also plays a role in the production of food products such as cheeses, yoghurts and some other fermented foods. They actually break down the proteins in cheeses and contribute to the final taste of the product.

This is also widely available as an oral supplement to aid digestion and support "immune health." You now find this in many foods boasting of immune system and gastrointestinal support such as baby formula, drinks, yoghurts, health foods and more. It is also recommended for patients after finishing a course of antibiotics in order repopulate healthy intestinal flora.

Full: Lactobacillus acidophilus
Japanese: L. アシドフィルス
Type: Bacteria

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Bifidobacterium are also called probiotics. Bifidobacterium are present in the digestive track of most humans and are considered beneficial as they inhibit the growth of more serious bacteria, such as: E. coli. B. longum is one of the more important intestinal bacteria in the human body.

Full: Bifidobacterium longum
Japanese: B. ロングム, B. rongumu
Type: Bacteria

Bifidobacterium longum

This is a subset of the Bacillus subtilis normally found in soil and used to make natto. This bacteria is used today as a fungicide on crops as a natual alternative to chemical fungicides. Bacillus subtilis is generally harmless to humans however Bacillus cereus and Bacillus licheniformis have been known to cause mild food poisoning. Bacillus anthracis, the bacteria that causes anthrax, is also in this family of bacteria.

Full: Bacillus natto
Japanese: B・ナットウ, B. nattō
Type: Bacteria

Story Details:
This microbe is first seen around the kiviak when Hasegawa Haruka reprimands Itsuki Keizou Sensei for digging up her experiment without her permission.

Bacillus natto

This bacteria is generally found in soil and effects insects such as: moths, mosquitoes, blackfiles, aphids, and wasps. The bacteria generally does not effect humans and has been used as a replacement for spray pesticides which contain poisonous chemicals, that damage plant, insect and human alike.

This species has also been used in genetically engineered plants. The bacteria are genetically spliced into the cells of the plant to be modified, the resulting plant actually produces the B. thuringiensis bacteria on a cellular level and is itself categorized as a pesticide. This practice is highly controversial and studies continue today on the dangers posed by the addition of the bacteria to hundreds of plant species consumed by humans for food and used as animal feed.

Full: Bacillus thuringiensis
Japanese: B. チューリンゲンシス, B. churingenshisu
Type: Bacteria

Story Details:
This microbe is first seen around the kiviak when Hasegawa Haruka repremands Itsuki Keizou Sensei for digging up her experiment without her permission.

Bacillus thuringiensis

This is a species of bacteria that uses peritrichous flagella to move around. It is normally found on human skin, fruits and vegetables.

In general it is pathogenic to humans and can cause a number of infections like bacteremia, lower respiratory tract infection, skin & soft tissue infections, urinary tract infections, endocarditis, intra-abdominal infections, septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, and ophthalmic infections. These infections are generally found in hospitals and are related to contaminated equipment and/or supplies.

This bacteria is used in agricultural applications to control plant diseases and insect infestations. Enterobacter cloacae also has the capacity to metabolize the explosive pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) and is used for biodegradable disposal.

Full: Enterobacter cloacae
Japanese: E. クロアカ, E. kuroaka
Type: Bacteria

Enterobacter cloacae

Trichoderma harzianum is a fungus that is also used as a fungicide. It is used for foliar application, seed treatment and soil treatment for suppression of various disease causing fungal pathogens. Commercial biotechnological products such as 3Tac have been useful for treatment of Botrytis, Fusarium and Penicillium sp.. It is also used for manufacturing enzymes.

Full: Trichoderma harzianum
Japanese: T. ハルチアナム, T. haruchianamu
Type: Fungus

Trichoderma harzianum

This is a bacteria that is found in air, water, soil and human skin (along with other mammals). The name Sarcina lutea is obsolete and Micrococcus luteus is currently used. The bacteria is generally harmless however there have been cases of infection in people with severely compromised immune systems, as seen with HIV infection.

Full: Sarcina lutea
Japanese: S. ルテア, S. rutea
Type: Bacteria

Sarcina lutea

In Japan it is used to make the ferment (Kōji) of soy sauce, the mirin and other lacto-fermented condiments like tsukemono. Soy sauce is a condiment produced by fermenting soybeans with Aspergillus sojae,[1] along with water and salt.

Full: Aspergillus sojae
Japanese: A. ソーエ, A. sōe
Type: Yeast

Manga Notes:
Talks alot when it is about umami. (Ch 02) A grown up who talks about umami. (Ch 05)

Story Details:
This is first seen in Itsuki Keizou Sensei's lab. Hasegawa Haruka demands that Sawaki Tadayasu prove his ability, these are seen in a miso culture.

Aspergillus sojae

In addition to miso, this bacteria is also used in the fermentation process of soy sauce.

Full: Pediococcus halophilus
Japanese: P. ハロフィルス, P. harofirusu
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Thinks he is a sommelier. (Ch 02)

Story Details:
This is first seen in Itsuki Keizou Sensei's lab. Hasegawa Haruka demands that Sawaki Tadayasu prove his ability, these are seen in a miso culture.

Pediococcus halophilus

Lactobacillus bulgaricus is one of several bacteria used for the production of yogurt. It is also found in other naturally fermented products. First identified in 1905 by the Bulgarian doctor Stamen Grigorov, the bacterium feeds on lactose to produce lactic acid, which is used to preserve milk.

Full: Lactobacillus bulgaricus
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
He also likes summer. (Ch 02)

Story Details:
This is first seen in Itsuki Keizou Sensei's lab. Hasegawa Haruka demands that Sawaki Tadayasu prove his ability, these are seen in a western yoghurt culture.

Lactobacillus bulgaricus

This is a genus of acetic acid bacteria used in the creation of vinegar and traditional Flemish sour ales. A. aceti is also used in the manufacturing process of acetate rayon, plastics, rubber, and photographic chemicals.

Full: Acetobacter aceti
Japanese: A. アセチ, A. asechi
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
When he crystallizes he is calm. (Ch 02)

Story Details:
We first see this when Itsuki Keizou Sensei asks Sawaki Tadayasu to identify a number of microbes to demonstrate his abilities, he identifies this one in a vinegar. Sawaki also illustrates his ability to grasp individual microbes out of the air by plucking a A. aceti from the air.

Acetobacter aceti

Bacillus halodurans is a rod-shaped, Gram-positive, motile and spore-forming bacterium found in soil. This is an ammonia loving bacteria so you find them in places with high concentrations. In a genomic comparison with Bacillus subtilis, B. halodurans strain C-125 - originally an unclassified Bacillus strain[1] - was found to contain unique genes and sigma factors that may have aided its adaptation to more alkaline environments.

Full: Bacillus halodurans
Japanese: B. ハロヂュランス, B. harodyuransu
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Likes to decompose anything. (Ch 02) Most alkaliphilic bacteria come from this group of friends. (Ch 06)

Story Details:
This bacteria are seen playing S-ken in a petri dish. Hasegawa Haruka asks Sawaki Tadayasu to identify them and he answers that he has not studied them before, but has seen them in the public toilet. They are also seen later on the hongeohoe.

Bacillus halodurans

This microbe is a fungus that creates alcohol from sugars. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a species of yeast. It is perhaps the most useful yeast, having been instrumental to winemaking, baking, and brewing since ancient times. It is believed that it was originally isolated from the skin of grapes (one can see the yeast as a component of the thin white film on the skins of some dark-color fruits such as plums; it exists among the waxes of the cuticle).

Full: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Japanese: S.セレビシエ, S. serebishie
Type: Yeast

Manga Notes:
It taught humans how to ferment. (Ch 04) The boils on his face are a mark of his family. (Ch 05)25°C is the ideal temperature for multiplication. A representative yeast, but it is still a secret that it has a good friend called S. Sake. When it doesn't produce much bubbles, please purchase "super dry yeast" to help it. (Ch 09)

Story Details:
Voiced by: Misa Tamagawa. This is first seen in Itsuki Keizou Sensei's lab. Hasegawa Haruka demands that Sawaki Tadayasu prove his ability, these are seen in a petri dish culture. This microbe is also seen around Yuuki Kei at his family brewery.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

This is a fungus, also called "soot fungus", which is known to cause "leaf spot" and other blights on trees and plants. It can also trigger asthma and upper respiratory infections in people.

Full: Alternaria alternata
Japanese: A. アルテルナータ, A. aruterunāta
Type: Fungus

Manga Notes:
If you don't wash your hands after contact, you'll become it's house. (Ch 04)

Story Details:
This is first seen in Itsuki Keizou Sensei's lab. Hasegawa Haruka demands that Sawaki Tadayasu prove his ability, these are seen in a petri dish culture. They are seen again in Misato Kaoru and Kawahama Takuma's dorm room.

Alternaria alternata

This fungus is found in soil, decaying fruit, vegetables, feces, & old bread. It has been known to cause fatal infections in humans. In China it is also used in brewing alcohol.

Full: Rhizopus javanicus
Japanese: R・ ジャバニクス, R. jyabanikusu
Type: Fungus

Manga Notes:
A Rhizopus mould. Its friends in China take part in the brewing process too. (Ch 04)

Story Details:
This is first seen in Itsuki Keizou Sensei's lab. Hasegawa Haruka demands that Sawaki Tadayasu prove his ability, these are seen in a petri dish culture.

Rhizopus javanicus

Penicillium chrysogenum is a commonly occurring mould in indoor environments and foods, and has gained much attention for its use in the production of the antibiotic penicillin. Phylogenetic analysis of the most important penicillin producing P. chrysogenum isolates revealed the presence of two highly supported clades, and we show here that these two clades represent two species, P. chrysogenum and P. rubens.

Full: Penicillium chrysogenum
Japanese: P. クリソゲヌム, P. kurisogenumu
Type: Fungus

Manga Notes:
P. chrysogenum and other friends in the penicillium genus - over 200 strains have been discovered so far. (Ch 04)

Story Details:
This is first seen in Itsuki Keizou Sensei's lab. Hasegawa Haruka demands that Sawaki Tadayasu prove his ability, these are seen in a petri dish culture.

Penicillium chrysogenum

spergillus niger or A. niger is a fungus and one of the most common species of the genus Aspergillus. It causes a disease called black mold on certain fruits and vegetables such as grapes, onions, and peanuts, and is a common contaminant of food, and used in the production of awamori. It is ubiquitous in soil and is commonly reported from indoor environments, where its black colonies can be confused with those of Stachybotrys (species of which have also been called "black mould")

Full: Aspergillus awamori
Japanese: A. アワモリ, A. awamori
Type: Yeast

Manga Notes:
Its citric acid producing ability is stronger than its ability to convert starch to sugar. Since it is also able to inhibit bad bacteria it is often used in alcohol brewing, in warm climates. (ch 09)

Story Details:
Voiced by: Hisanori Yoshida. This is first seen in Itsuki Keizou Sensei's lab. Hasegawa Haruka demands that Sawaki Tadayasu prove his ability, these are seen in a petri dish culture.

Aspergillus awamori

This bacteria is used in the production of yoghurts and cheeses.

Full: Lactococcus cremoris
Japanese: L・クレモリス, L. kuremorisu
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Story Details:
This is first seen in Itsuki Keizou Sensei's lab. Hasegawa Haruka demands that Sawaki Tadayasu prove his ability, these are seen in a petri dish culture.

Lactococcus cremoris

This is a type of fungus that generally causes Athlete's Foot, Jock Itch, and Ringworm. Trichophyton rubrum is the most common source of fungal skin infections.

Full: Trichophyton rubrum
Japanese: T.ルブラム, T. ruburamu
Type: Fungus

Manga Notes:
A species of fungus. Likes to care for boys and girls of all ages. (Ch 02)

Story Details:
Voiced by: Saori Seto. This species is seen on Hasegawa Haruka's foot, Sawaki Tadayasu suggests that she keep her feet dry and see a doctor for a prescription.

Trichophyton rubrum

This Lactobacillus is actually two species generally grouped into one Hiochi catagory. The two bacteria are individually L. homohiochi and L. heterohiochi the second actually being a synonym for L. fructivorans. This bacteria feed off the mevalonic acide produced by A. oryaze in the production of sake.

Full: Lactobacillus fructivorans
Japanese: L・ フルクチボランス, L.
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Hiochi bacteria. If you open a bottle of sake in your house it is going to come, fufufu... (Ch 03) It loves sake. (Ch 04)

Story Details:
Lactobacillus homohiochi, or Lactobacillus fructivorans is the "bad guy" of the series. This is a Lactobacillus which makes sake go bad. We see this in the begining of the series when Sawaki Tadayasu notices a large quantity drifting into the lab from outside. It is then discovered that some students are trying to produce illicit sake on campus.

Lactobacillus fructivorans

This is a wide spread fungus that is found in the air, on rotten foods, and even in the bathroom. The many species of Cladosporium are commonly found on living and dead plant material. Some species are plant pathogens, others parasitize other fungi. Cladosporium spores are wind-dispersed and they are often extremely abundant in outdoor air. Indoors Cladosporium species may grow on surfaces when moisture is present.

Full: Cladosporium trichoides
Japanese: C. トリコイデス, C. torikoidesu
Type: Fungus

Manga Notes:
It lives in the cooler waiting to be switched on. ( Ch 04)

Story Details:
Voiced by: Moody Katsuyama. This microbe is first seen in Misato Kaoru and Kawahama Takuma's dorm room.

Cladosporium trichoides

This is a black Aspergillus oryzae used in the production of shōchū. Translation Note: The term "niger" is used in many cultures outside of the United States with no pejorative connotations. In the case of Aspergillus niger it is used to describe the black color of the micro-organism.

Full: Aspergillus niger
Japanese: A. ニガー, A. nigā
Type: Yeast

Manga Notes:
Produces citric acid in the shadows. (Ch 02) Black yeast. Used in brewing shochu. Also often used in the industry. (Ch 09)

Story Details:
Voiced by: Daisuke Sakaguchi and Noriaki Sugiyama.

Aspergillus niger

This species is a filamentous fungus found in soil, plants, decaying fruits and vegetables. It is also considered pathogenic and can cause infections in man, frogs, amphibians, cattle, and swine.

Full: Mucor mucedo
Japanese: M・ムセド, M. Musedo
Type: Fungus

Manga Notes:
It has a lot of friends that have practical applications. (Ch 04)

Story Details:
This microbe is first seen floating around in Misato Kaoru and Kawahama Takuma dorm room.

Mucor mucedo

This species is found in soil, water, air, sewage, plants, and is part of our intestinal flora. It can be an opportunistic microbe when the host has a depressed immune system. This yeast is also known to spoil milk.

Full: Geotrichum species
Japanese: ゲオトリクム, Geotorikumu
Type: Yeast

Manga Notes:
Concerned with being fair, it likes to stay home and drink milk. (Ch 04)

Story Details:
This species is first seen floating around in Misato Kaoru and Kawahama Takuma's dorm room.

Geotrichum species

This is considered a opportunistic species and is the most common offender in human yeast infections. It is the fungus responsible for thrush, vaginal yeast infections and jock itch to name a few. It occurs commonly after a course of antibiotics which destroy beneficial bacterias that keep the fungus in check.

Full: Candida albicans
Japanese: カンジダ, Kanjida
Type: Fungus

Manga Notes:
It has no special characteristics. It exists all around you. (Ch 04)

Story Details:
This is first seen floating around in Misato Kaoru and Kawahama Takuma's dorm room.

Candida albicans

This is a fungus generally found on insects and other fungus. It is known to attack caterpillars and is prized in Traditional Chinese medicine. It has been used as a natural insecticide and some species are used today during organ transplants to help suppress the immune system.

Full: Cordyceps sinensis
Japanese: C. シネンシス, C. shinenshisu
Type: Fungus

Manga Notes:
A caterpillar fungus. They live in ghost moth caterpillars. They are called " winter worm summer grass" in China. (Ch 04) It attaches itself to a caterpillar and turns it into a "plant". Made famous by Magundan. (Ch 08)

Story Details:
This is first seen in the story at the upper classmen dorm room on the dead silk worms. Misato Kaoru and Kawahama Takuma ask Sawaki Tadayasu to help them identify any microbes that could be useful to make money. Sawaki sees the C. sinensis on one of the caterpillars that has died.

Cordyceps sinensis

Rhinoviruses (from the Greek (gen.) "nose") are the most common viral infective agents in humans and are the predominant cause of the common cold. Rhinovirus infection proliferates in temperatures between 33–35 °C (91–95 °F), the temperatures found in the nose. Rhinovirus is a species in the genus Enterovirus of the Picornaviridae family of viruses.

Full: Rhinovirus
Japanese: ライノウィルス, Rainouirusu
Type: Virus

Manga Notes:
Distinctive features are a slight fever of 37° and a runny nose. It has over 100 relatives. (Ch 05)


This bacteria is used in sake brewing. Lactobacillus sakei took its name from rice alcohol, or sake, which was the product that it was first described in

Full: Lactobacillus sakei
Japanese: L.サケイ L. sakei
Type: Bacteria

Lactobacillus sakei

This is a fungus generally found to affect fruits, grapes and strawberries. It is also known as botrytis bunch rot or grey mould. This species has a dual role in the wine industry. Grapes affected with the mould will provide a specific flavor, however, it also prohibits the growth of the yeasts making it a nuisance. It is also known to cause 'winegrower lung,' which is an allergic reaction affecting the lungs.

Full: Botrytis cinerea
Japanese: B. シネレア, B. shinerea
Type: Fungus

Botrytis cinerea

This bacterium belongs to the family that brings us the food poisoning botulism. Interestingly enough the C. botulinum strain is also used in medical applications in the form of botox cosmetic treatments. It can be found in the soil, intestinal tract of animals (including humans), and milk products. It is used as a pro-biotic in livestock animal feeds. While it is not a pro-biotic bacteria in-and-of-itself it displays a synergistic relationship with the other intestinal flora and is used to encourage the proper environment for pro-biotics to thrive.

Full: Clostridium butyricum
Japanese: C. ブチリカム, C. buchirikamu
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Butyric acid bacillus. It likes pickles, particularly in Japanese food. (Ch 08)

Clostridium butyricum

This bacteria naturally inhabits soil and is know to cause the serious food poisoning botulism. This bacteria is also used in medicines for the treatment of muscle spasms, cross-eye, some focal dystonias and even in anti-aging wrinkle treatments.

Full: Clostridium botulinum
Japanese: C. ボツリナム, C. botsurinamu
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Present in the soil it is widespread throughout nature. It hates air and is surrounded by spores, but it contains the deadliest poison on earth. Just 25G of it is able to wipe out the human race. It is commonly known as Botulinus bacteria. (Ch 10)

Story Details:
This microbe is first seen around the natto when we see Itsuki Keizou Sensei digging near the student rice fields.

Clostridium botulinum

Escherichia coli commonly abbreviated E. coli) is a Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium of the genus Escherichia that is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms (endotherms). Most E. coli strains are harmless, but some serotypes can cause serious food poisoning in their hosts, and are occasionally responsible for product recalls due to food contamination. The harmless strains are part of the normal flora of the gut, and can benefit their hosts by producing vitamin K2, and preventing colonization of the intestine with pathogenic bacteria.

Full: Escherichia coli
Japanese: E Cori
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Bacteria of the large intestine. Please avoid using your hands, even if there is no toilet paper. (Ch 11)

Escherichia coli

There are three types of influenza viruses: A, B and C. Human influenza A and B viruses cause seasonal epidemics of disease almost every winter in the United States. The emergence of a new and very different influenza virus to infect people can cause an influenza pandemic. Influenza type C infections cause a mild respiratory illness and are not thought to cause epidemics.

Full: Influenza virus
Japanese: インフルエンザウィルス, Infuruenza uirusu
Type: Virus

Manga Notes:
Story Details:
We first see the Influenza virus when Sawaki Tadayasu is brought to the hospital, mistakenly diagnosed with food poisoning from O-157 E. coli. Sawaki is arguing about staying at the hospital overnight and someone with a mask coughs and hundreds appear.

Influenza virus

Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens) is a spore-forming gram-positive bacterium that is found in many environmental sources as well as in the intestines of humans and animals. C. perfringens is commonly found on raw meat and poultry. It prefers to grow in conditions with very little or no oxygen, and under ideal conditions can multiply very rapidly. Some strains of C. perfringens produce a toxin in the intestine that causes illness.

Full: Clostridium perfringens
Japanese: C. パーフリンゲンス, C. pahuringensu
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Welch bacillus. Bacteria that causes gas & gangrene quite a lot of people carry this bacterium. Only some of them suffer from food poisoning. (Ch 07)

Story Details:
This bacterium is first seen in the hospital at the end of Episode 4. The doctors are concerned that Sawaki Tadayasu has contracted E. coli from the food, not understanding that he is suffering the effects of lactose intolerance.

Clostridium perfringens

Staphylococcus epidermidis is a Gram-positive bacterium, and one of over 40 species belonging to the genus Staphylococcus. It is part of the normal human flora, typically the skin flora, and less commonly the mucosal flora. Although S. epidermidis is not usually pathogenic, patients with compromised immune systems are at risk of developing infection. These infections are generally hospital-acquired

Full: Staphylococcus Epideridis
Japanese: S. エピデルミディズ, S. epiderumideizu
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Staphylococcus Epideridis.

Story Details:
This bacterium is first seen in the hospital at the end of Episode 4. The doctors are concerned that Sawaki Tadayasu has contracted E. coli from the food, not understanding that he is suffering the effects of lactose intolerance.

Staphylococcus Epideridis

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics. In the community, most MRSA infections are skin infections. In medical facilities, MRSA causes life-threatening bloodstream infections, pneumonia and surgical site infections.

Full: Methicillin-Resistannt Staphylococcus aureus
Japanese: MRSA
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Methicillin-Resistannt Staphylococcus aureus.

Story Details:
This bacterium is first seen in the hospital at the end of Episode 4. The doctors are concerned that Sawaki Tadayasu has contracted E. coli from the food, not understanding that he is suffering the effects of lactose intolerance.

Methicillin-Resistannt Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common bacterium that can cause disease in animals, including humans. It is citrate, catalase, and oxidase positive. It is found in soil, water, skin flora, and most man-made environments throughout the world. It thrives not only in normal atmospheres, but also in hypoxic atmospheres, and has, thus, colonized many natural and artificial environments. It uses a wide range of organic material for food; in animals, its versatility enables the organism to infect damaged tissues or those with reduced immunity.

Full: Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Japanese: P. エレギノーサ, P. ereginosa
Type: Bacteria

Manga Notes:
Literally means "Green Pus Bacterium."

Story Details:
This bacterium is first seen in the hospital at the end of Episode 4. The doctors are concerned that Sawaki Tadayasu has contracted E. coli from the food, not understanding that he is suffering the effects of lactose intolerance.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa